Oracle Session + 13 Sign Astrology + death Communication

1:1 Channeled Oracle Reading with recording + guided trance meditations

$275 (1 hour session)

1:1 Core Wound into Power Session

$275 (1 hour session)

death communication For deceased loved ones-messages from the dead

$300 (1 hour session)


$200 per hour (2 hours minimum)

13 Sign Star Astrology Readings

$300 (1 1/2 hour session)

sessions are done over facetime, phone or pure audio recording

Ritual Acupuncture

Acupuncture ( includes oracular + energy work + psychic/oracular)

These sessions are 2 hours in person. My in person office is Sundays only. I can make house calls Tuesday-Friday.


sessions may include, in addition to acupuncture & psychic guidance - cupping + moxa + eft tapping + energy work + body work + core wound program removal + sound therapy

astrology + acupuncture sessions available where your Star chart guides the healing

3 session package acupuncture scheduled within a month $500

Synthesis Modality Packages

Ancestral healing- 6 sessions of acupuncture and energy work with divination channeling- Our ancestors job is to love and support us; however, this is not always what happens. Many of our bloodlines are weighed down by oppressive thoughts and ideals. Do you have a nagging voice in your head telling you you're not good enough or a feeling that you are being pushed in a direction you don’t want to go? It could very well be an ancestor with their own agenda and not supporting your highest good. This healing package allows the cords from unhealthy ancestors to be detached and a connection with the wisest ancestor closest to you.  $1200

Finding the Pieces; Rooted Childhood Trauma- 6 sessions-This is for deep, emotional, physical, sexual and verbal abuse. Many times during abuse, we fractal and pieces of us break off. This can manifest in unbalanced emotions, false ideas about ourselves, anxiety, depression, body pain, to name a few. By fusing a specialized treatment plan based on your specific needs, together we can begin to piece the story back and begin to create a new, loving one. $1200

Broken Heart Restoration- 4 sessions of acupuncture, sound healing and energy work to begin to move through a challenging break up or injured heart chakra. $800

Drain the Gu- Package One- 10 sessions of a fusion of acupuncture, reiki, sound healing, divination channeling and soul exercises to begin to remove the poison of systemic programming. This treatment package is directly formulated from my own person research, practice and understanding of healing in this poisonous system. Gu Syndrome is a syndrome that manifests very similarly as a parasite. It can cause digestive disorders, mental fogginess, depression, muscle pain and cyclic, recurring patterns.  $2000

These packages above can be modified for distance treatments