What Time Is It?

It’s easy to know what time it is; we look at clock, we check a calendar, all the information is provided. When someone says “Monday at noon February 24, 2020”, we can all comprehend what that means. When someone says “see you in the spring” we all have a general idea of the timing. When we hear that we are in year 2020, that’s understood as the year after 2019 and before 2021. And while these systems have use and give us order, why are we not asking who created them and when did time begin? When did the clock start? It has surly been ticking longer than 2,020 years, this being based off of an ideology of a BC and AD perspective of time, fully invested in Christ being a marker for our annual existence.

We as humans seem to take what is given to us. We accept the norms and question very little. We get lost in the memes, the grind, the hustle, the fluff, the ego. We are easily distracted creatures and hungry for an endorphin rush. We have been floating along, following the rules and staying in order just like products on a shelf at a grocery store. The most foundational elements of our existence seem to hold the littlest knowing. Our alphabet, number system, and time structure being some of the most important. Most of us don’t understand how our bodies function on a basic level or how the stars and planets influence our reality. We are disconnected from our food, the natural world and mostly ourselves. The christian religious indoctrination is deep; it’s in our cells, dna and bones, even if we “don’t believe in it”. It’s literally what our perception of time is built upon; BC meaning before Jesus was born and AD, coming from the Latin Anno Domini, meaning in the year of our lord. When time is controlled, when the hourglass is in the hands of the oppressor, we all become entranced in a fantastical illusion, trapped in a crystal ball until we shatter the dogma that keeps us twirling and drugged.

Around 2,000 years ago, sidereal and tropical astrology aligned. Maybe this was fate, maybe destiny, maybe all part of a larger plan. I myself am still deepening my understanding of all that corresponds with the sky. Both systems divide the ecliptic into 12 equal signs, 30 degrees each. Tropical uses the vernal equinox, utilizing the light of the sun on the earth for its mathematical calculations. Sidereal uses fixed star coordinate points, such as Aldebaran and Antares, for its mathematical calculations. The sidereal system of astrology has a correlation to the constellations, while the tropical system correlates more to ours seasons and is not connected to the actual stars. True sidereal and constellational astrology take into consideration the varying sizes of the zodiacal constellations, each one unique in dimension. The term zodiac, from the Greek zodiakos kuklos meaning “circle of animals”, is a ring of time through the viewpoint of the stars on the ecliptic. There are many “rings” of time; think Matryoshka dolls that nest inside one another. We have our tropical seasonal wheel of the year, we have our celestial zodiacal constellations and many more rings beyond this. However; this is only from our Earthly perspective and I can only assume every star cluster, being and life form experiences time relative to where they are in the universe.

We all know now that earth is not the center of the cosmos. There are many celestial bodies throughout the universe and Earth herself has not always existed. Humanity as we understand it has evolved in a short time in comparison to the vastness of all creation. We are made of stardust. The same elements that are found in the Stars are comprised in our bones. We come from the stars. The stars are our greatest ancestors and to not connect to them is a disconnection from ourselves. I believe the tropical system of mainstream astrology can have its uses; possibly knowing when to plant crops or a more microscopic isolation for a specific earth-based event, but to not look and unite with the stars, only locks us into one time ring; that of linear time. With our years calculated based on a BC and AD perception, this locks us into a religious christian understanding of time, whether we are aware of it or not. So this leaves the mainstream consciousness stuck in a dogmatic christian linear time, never teaching reincarnation, the cycles of the stars and the possibility of our true ancestral origins.

So then I ask, “What time is it?” as I see all the clocks, the rings, the cycles coexisting at the same time, each possessing its magic and relevance. We must not forget our immense immortality as we all can connect to all times throughout the universe, for we have come from her. So then it seems to be that the only time is right now and that in the right now we are in the everywhere. So break your ticking clock, pushing your forward and causing you stress that there isn’t “enough time” because time is infinite and the universe is ever-expanding and we can be here now. There many distractions, all purposely put upon us to keep us asleep. Time and astrology are no different than anything else. If we wouldn’t accept mainstream government or mainstream religious viewpoints, why would we so graciously say yes to mainstream astrology or time conception. We rise with the sun, we sleep with the moon and the stars provide wisdom that has been hidden for thousands of years. This stellar intelligence has been blanketed with intent; to keep us looking down. With our heads in the sand, we can not see the limitless resources we have shining down on us day and night. With a linear clock, we can only move in one direction, leaving us clinging to the past for fear of losing it forever. It’s impossible to fall out of a circle.

Timelessness will set us free. The stars will guide the way. All we must do is say yes and all can be well.

verone bright