Thanks again Verone!! You nailed it again as usual! Looking forward to our next session when it’s time; I’m excited to see the changes unfold and what new stuff we’ll have to talk about. You’re a brilliant light and I’m so glad that we connected

Your channeling has been so powerful. I am so grateful! Thank you. Thank you so much for the summary and pictures, I chanted all morning! When I created my sacred space at work this am, I paid special attention to my ancestors, and it was so powerful.

Thank you thank you thank you. I just read this and it was perfect. You are incredible and I am honored to have your gifts and talents and hard earned knowledge enter my life ❤️

This was beyond helpful. While it’s easy to say that I need to engage with my true self and rebuild, it’s been so hard to imagine where to even begin. I’m starting to see now. And that feels amazing! Thank you times infinity!!!

You have no idea how much you have helped me. I’ve been so lost for so long trying to find myself. I honestly don’t know where to start…I kind of feel like I want to give you a really in-depth review because everything you were saying was so accurate it was like incredibly overwhelming. You are so gifted.

You are pure magick ✨💜 thank you for everything. I appreciate your guidance immensely. I’m honored. Truly. Definitely more empowered and ready to speak up. I adore you so much!

I love our sessions so much. Thank you thank you thank you✨ You’ve seriously helped me so much over the last 6 months or so.

Thank you so much! This is amazing!! I love that mantra. I have been helping people to clear deep trauma from their body, so deep energy work you talked about in the future makes sense. Everything you talked about made sense! So on point with the doubt. Thank you for seeing that and reflecting it back to me. I look forward to the ceremony work! Thanks again and I will refer back to these notes often 🐍✨🔮

Thank you so much for yesterday. I feel so much energy and depth in my bodies today 💕

That was intense! And I resonate though completely! 🐍

You are so special! Thank you for the invitation 💕