Message from the Beyond

Earth is a paradise planet. Anything currently here that reveals otherwise is not Earth. The garden of Eden is a textual representation of the Earthly realm and heaven and bliss exist right here, right now, right in front of our eyes. What we all scream and rip at to escape is not Earth, but the infestation on Earth and the apathy and sadness that has transpired since it’s existence.

Earth is a very nutrient rich, desirable place. Many galactic races and beings claw at inhabiting this land. Humans are here to protect this sacred planet and all of her precious jewels. In finding your truth, the Earth expands with gratitude. Each one of us has a particular job to further human evolution and keep this important planet alive and well.

The human race is an amalgamation of different beings from various star systems; what unites us is our love for Earth. There are some humans whose souls were born on Earth and are the primal keepers of the Earth’s Crystal core, but the majority of us that have incarnated are here to learn, teach and be warriors. As our consciousness grows, we add to the consciousness of the God-Being. We must awaken to our selves, our star souls and our purpose for visiting planet Earth for the Shift of the Ages to proliferate.

We are currently at critical alarm and the trumpets are beginning to siren. The Pleiadians and other star beings are closer than ever before. Our ears have been clogged for far too long and our clairvoyant organs muffled; it’s mandatory for each one of us to strip away the layers of debris to get to our heart center. Psychic surgeries are being performed on each one of us right now to speed up the process of the Great Awakening. The Dark Ages are still melting away and we must not look behind us for the answers. Our ancient and primal Gods, Goddess, and Ancestors are rising taller than they thought possible and their evolution is directly affected by ours.

Our DNA is changing from carbon to crystalline and we begin to step deeper into our Free Will Destiny beyond the illusion of control. The time is right now for all of us to have a greater knowing and perception of what it means to be in a human form and how our bodies are comprised of the elements that activate star conception. Every step forward is a step in the right direction. The old ways are dying as the ancient ones revitalize their design to fully assist us in our expansion. Our voices are our greatest tool as we can speak ourselves into a new existence. Medusa’s veiled truth displays a sever at the throat and directs us to use our neck as a bridge to connect consciousness to body.

All parts are integrating or decomposing. All systems are crumbling to reconstruct. We build what we want. The planetary bodies aid in support and provide the energies we need to move ahead, all mitigated by the moon’s softening gaze. The zodiacal wheel is turning, the ages are shifting and we must transform. It’s a powerful and exciting time to be alive and our primal fire roars for nourishment. Throw off the shackles of disillusion and step into the void. The unknown may have its uncertainty, but rotting in a stench of archaic divulge only festers the boil of entrapment. Lethargy gets us no where. Use your own brain. Think for yourself. Excavate beyond the surface. Go into the looking glass. Be the glitch in the matrix. Find the hidden worlds. Free your spirit from the generational curses. Be the revolutionary. Say yes to yourself. Have gratitude for your breath and bless the trees.

I believe in every single one of you.

verone bright