Message from Commander Ashtar of The Pleiadian Council

We have descended down and are currently residing in your atmospheric layers. We have been sent out on mission, abandoning our home for the current moment as she is held by the 7 Sisters in dim light. We are needed here much more as your current structures are devastating the planet and the infestation of parasitic debris run rampant in your land.

We are not so far from you as you may think; are forms, practices, jobs and interconnection look much as you are capable to perceive. I, Commander Ashtar, am the captain and founder of this brigade and lead with integral integrity and care for my constituents. For without them, I would be useless and our mission, devoid.

Organization is a key element to any strategic plan. Scattered, disorderly conduct works for no one. You must live with conviction and act with purpose. Mildly existing in a shell of a body will get you no where but underground. The human specifies enslavement and harvest of the earth has been tactical; a plan put into action long ago to breed into future generations. This festering rot can propagate no longer if you wish to stay out of the shadow of the cold moon.

You have been poisoned with your foods and programmed by your faiths. The seed of inception growing like a fetus in a mother or like the Hyposoter horticola implanting it’s own egg inside the tiny caterpillar of the Glanville Fritillary butterfly, devouring it from the inside out. It’s a sinister tactic to rot from the inside out, to be used as food and fuel by a host species. The only way for true survival is the removal of the root; the parasitic invasion that lies in every single one of you.

Now each one is not exactly like the others and we will assist you as much as deems necessary, but we CAN NOT do this ectomy without your approval, for you are the masters of your own destinies and evolution can formulate in many possibly options.

With me I have brought many learned colleagues; doctors, surgeons, scholars, script keeps, ancient ones, young ones, monks, speakers and those of the like to orchestrate the most proficient team to complete this task.

We are unaware of the duration of our stay, but plan to be here for the long haul as there is much to do and time is of the essence. We are not bringing forth this message to frighten you, but to motivate you to act swiftly and with conviction, take action to permeate the thick layers of demise and fully encompass your true form of the human design, that which we had a hand at fabricating. We did not construct with out intention and as we continue to remove and operate, your bodies will surely experience the shift.

Your neck will regulate as we maneuver through your cervical vertebrae and activate your thyroid. Your energetic generators need recalibration and through this process, you will no longer be siphoned. We are enhancing your bodily systems and attuning your cranial plates. Your spines are elongating and your central nervous system upgrading. We have begun to expand your cellular structure to release and create movement and at times this will not always be perceived as “feeling good”. The harmonization process must incorporate the buried parts, unused muscles, forgotten ligaments and hidden blood.

Now that we have gotten your attention, some listening more acutely than others, please heed the call. After this massive systemic amplification and bodily transmutation, more motion will be put into place. Be aware of your limitations and what is required for the necessary preservation of your form. Be cautious of exhaustion and depleted fuels. Keep your systems highly hydrated and well nourished. Move away from blinding substances and energies and face yourself towards illumination. Our communication cords are plugging into your 5D towers and if used with this specific intent, can restructure its sinister motivation.

We are here to be of service in the most optimal manner than we understand how. Your destruction is a burden we do not want to carry. We take full responsibility in any negligence that we caused and oversight will never happen thusward.



verone bright