Parasitic Shadow Work

Most of us were not taught to value ourselves. Most of us were not given the tools, information and support to get us through the hard times. Many of us have experienced trauma and have spent large portions of our lives trying to piece the puzzles of our story together into a coherent interpretation that we can make sense of and share with others. When the lights go out, we can find ourselves lost in our own memories, past lives, paranoia and fear. The journey can feel so isolating and hopeless at times, like no one would ever understand and if they did, probably not care. Healing in our current world, with the current systems in place, can feel impossible at times and it’s very important that we hold the consciousness that every one of us can be well.

Most of us have heard of the term shadow work. Most of us are familiar with the dark night of the soul. This terminology is the idea of going deep within and working on ones negative self or “shadow self”. From my own experience, the further you dive and the more layers you remove, it begins to be impossible to stay just within ones own journey, as we are all connected as a collective and if one is sick, we all become affected. The more we sink into our own Inner Temples and chakras, the further we travel outwards to the cosmos. As above, so below; As within, so without. The micro affects the macro and vice versa. Our energy influences our neighbors. The moon affects the tides. The food we eat creates the energy that we utilize through our entire mind-body. Everything connects somehow. So now I ask myself; How can any of us be truly healthy in a toxic system? Yes you can cut off relationships with people who treat you poorly and shift your environment as much as you can, but how do we address the poison at the top, the rotting container?

We are multidimensional beings. We have all had past lives and many of us have lived in places other than earth. Our souls are information keepers and our dna is a direct key to this portal. We store the stories in our soul like an encyclopedia until we rip out the page and burn it. We are our own creators and we are the masters of our destiny. However, we have lived many thousands of years with deliberate lies to keep us from divinity, our wisest ancestors and our true human technology. If we are the god/goddess/goddexxx, then control is obsolete and hierarchical domination collapses. We have all been programmed to look down, not ask questions, work our jobs, live in our gender roles and praise god for “his” mercy. The deception permeates through everything; our history books, media, government, food, money, literature, and worst of all, our source connection. The more we are in fear, the less we escape. And as our current time is at an ultimate breaking point, to be fearless is revolutionary. To love yourself unconditionally is a revolt. To speak up for injustices is radical as fuck.

To travel the other realms can be a bit confusing without a map, gps or internal compass. This is what makes death so disconnected from life; we are taught to fear the unknown and given little to no information about. Going through the veil can be as easy as waking up and we are all getting a bit closer as she continues to thin. We have lived in separation too long and the time is now to fuse back to our essence. As we all awake to our clairvoyance and begin to see from our third sight, lucidity can feel overwhelming. Clarity is mandatory. The more lucid we become as we transcend the illusion of linear time, we grow closer to what our existence is actually capable of and how we are the creators.

Our energy is precious. It’s also electric. It’s our most valuable resource and we are constantly creating it. How it is made and where is goes is up to us. What we take in as fuel distills into our Qi. What we spend our time thinking about, where and how we spend our money, and what actions we take all require energy. Intention is everything. Self worth and empowerment is imperative. We must not let our apathy drive us. We must use our own brains and not be driven like mindless zombies only living from one endorphin rush to the next. We are a society of addicts and the only way to true sobriety is through self acceptance. We each have a unique gift to share. Everyone of us is pulling down a specific gem of information and talent. Each one of our souls has had a extraordinary journey and to be consumed with the path of another and not see your our limits our own individual and collective expansion.

The majority of us has endured some type of trauma that we are currently working through. It’s important to acknowledge and release in order to move on. However, the seed of our trauma is universal and together we can rip it up from its roots. Our toxic parents, evil bosses and lying partners that have causes us deep wounds are all a product of a toxic system and a result of a problem overlooked for far too long. We have a parasite. We have parasites and the only way to rid ourselves of them is by killing them. Parasites feast on their host and reduce host fitness by general or specialized pathology. Parasites increase their own biology by exploiting hosts for resources and transmitting to other hosts. There are 6 major evolutionary parasitic strategies of exploration of the hosts: 1. Parasitic castration- a strategy by the parasite to block reproduction by its host, for its own benefit 2. Directly transmitted parasitism- by direct contact 3. Trophically transmitted parasitism- by being eaten by the parasite 4. Vector-transmitted parasitism-an agent which carries and transmits an infectious pathogen into another living organism 5. Parasitoidism- living in close association with its host and at the hosts expense, which sooner or later kills 6. Micropredation-small predators.

Parasites, with the exception of parasitoids, are typically much smaller than their hosts. Parasites are highly specialized and reproduce at a faster rate than their hosts. Classic examples are deer ticks that carry lymes disease, plasmodium that cause malaria and tapeworms that are packed with eggs being shed into its host environment. Parasitism is often ambiguous and is an interaction between species. Humans have known about parasites since ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.

Parasites don’t go away on their own. You must starve them of their food. Parasites use sugar as their primary source of energy and can not survive without a steady supply. Starved parasites are similar to drug addicts when they don’t get their fix. You might start feeling really irritated or exhausted, but this is a sign it is working. Create an environment in the body, in your home, in your community that parasites hate. This way they and their offspring won’t want to stay or return.

We all stumble sometimes, fall, feel broken, hopeless, scream “what’s the fucking point?” into the void. The existentialism is part of it. It allows us to ask deeper questions about reality and what reality we want to live in. When we hurt, we want to escape, but zoning out has gotten us no where and it’s now time for us to really feel. We need our skin to burn and our hearts to ache, our eyes to water and our backs to crack. We need to know the severity of our current situation so deeply that we take heed with action. There is only one way out: collective empowerment. Fear is only strengthening the shackles and if you really look at it, we are damned if we don’t try harder and with more determination. Now is not the time to collapse. We all carry the horrors of being killed in past lives for speaking and acting out against what’s wrong and unjust, but that fear can no longer paralyze us to do what we all incarnated to achieve: Blast out the Global Parasites Destroying Earth and all her Living Creations. It may not be easy, or maybe it could be if we all worked together. The shadowlands will grow ever darker and ever more intoxicating if we don’t awaken from this spell now and purge out what is not welcome. We can return to our paradise planet again. We all can be free. We all can have enough and together we can evolve.

verone bright