Your Heart is a Portal

I’ve been extremely clairvoyant since I was small and it’s always had me dancing between worlds. I must have been shiny to the adults around me that didn’t have the tools to access their own light because they were always trying to steal mine. Discovering substances that could altar me or quiet the pain became my best friend and my identity formulated to this detachment. My pain-body and my sparkle seemed to be locked together in a sacred union, inseparable in their paradox.

Chakra activation is a theory that I felt I understood and have experienced shifts within my energetic matrix. My crown and third eye have given me access to information outside of the current perception of time and space and my throat has opened more allowing deeper communication in many realms. When I consciously decided to step further into my oracular path, I began having issues with my eyes. I had visions of past lives as a blind seer and didn’t want to bring that old story into manifest. I then began having skin irritation at the base of my skull where it meets my first vertebra, the atlas vertebrae. I saw many healers and did a lot of personal work to understand what was happening, but I received little answers or relief.

Clarity and sobering come in many forms. I believe the majority of us humans have felt an addiction to something throughout our lives. We can be addicts in many ways that go beyond drugs and alcohol. I’ve felt fairly paralyzed by obsession and it’s worn many masks and shape-shifted into various forms. I used to check my alarm clock 200 times before bed or come back home to check if the oven was on even though I knew I hadn’t used it. I was a picker and would stay up late at night with tweezers meticulously digging at my skin and going inside my face to extract the problem. It gave me a sense of comfort and heaviness of shame simultaneously. I was in control and out of control all at once. I was familiar with living in the in between.

Life can bring us changes that we didn’t even know we need. I suppose I needed to find my root and that was more literal that I expected. After 20 years of being away from the region of my birth, I find myself back in the south and confronted with many of the ghosts I thought were gone as I lay awake at night fearing someone is coming into my room. The area at the base of my skull has been experiencing pain and my atlanto-occipital joint has been extremely crunchy for months. There’s a stuck sensation to this area and all my attention is being brought to this part of my body.

Necks are the bridge of the body. It connects our brain and head to the rest of our form. Joints are powerful connectors. They allow flexibility and movement in all respects to our beingness. Coming into present reality can be some of the biggest work we humans can do. We are always looking behind or in front and forgetting about the right now. Some of us are drowning in the past or running so fast to be in the future that don’t see what’s right in front of us.

The alta major chakra, or zeal chakra, is a minor chakra that is called the mouth of god-goddess, well of dreams, jade pillow and ascension chakra. It connects directly to the pineal and pituitary glands, the crown chakra, and the heart chakra. It was said to be open fully during Lemurian and Atlantian days and closed when these societies fell or became hidden. The zeal chakra channels energy into the body and as it expands, there will be an increase in clairvoyance and less separation between higher dimensions. The high heart chakra, or the anahata chakra, connects strongly to to the zeal chakra and is associated with unconditional love, compassion, and joy and can bridge upper and lower chakras integrating the spiritual and the manifest. Anahata translates to unhurt, unstuck and unbeaten and can bring balance and calmness.

Being in a romantic partnership has been both amazing and deeply challenging. I have experienced deep love, but also had to find that deep love for myself. I’ve walked further into my own mirror and met parts of me that I didn’t know existed. I continue to open my heart as I say yes each day to my relationship to my partner, but even more to myself. On the surface, heart opening seems simple, but when the chakra portal hasn’t been cleared for quite some time and is gripping past stories so tightly that it becomes a present delusion, it can seem like a very heavy work load. The heart is a yin organ and all other organs will sacrifice themselves for the heart function. As we live in a world so unbalanced in yin and yang, having yang in extreme excess, the yin heart organ has become repressed. Every single one of us needs to balance our internal yin and yang to reflect a harmonious external yin and yang. If our heart is balanced, all of our other organs can focus on their specific tasks, as the heart is the director of the 12 channel network system. The heart is the master of blood and the house of our shen-spirit; all of our emotions are a manifestation of our shen-spirit which is deeply connected to our intellect and consciousness. A harmonious heart and healthy thoughts allow us to have vitality, strong will to achieve our goals and radiance that will shine through our faces. I am calling on the energetic properties of the Chinese herbs dragon bone to settle the shen, ox gallstone to open the heart orifice and dispel phlegm heat and red peony to cool the blood.

Our third eye wants to open and can do so naturally and easily when are hearts are balanced, we are rooted and our connecting neck bridge has a fluid alignment. As we shift frequency and dimension from a 3 D reality to a 5 D reality, we must travel through the 4 dimensional bridge. Some call this the rainbow bridge or the Age of Pegasus. The 4th dimension is the passageway and we are all have the choice to move through or cling to the old ways of the Age of Pisces. We are at the end of an Era, the final destination of an age while simultaneously at the beginning of a new world. The release is the receiving and ending is the beginning and all we must do is say yes. Our bodies want the shift, they want the upgrade and we are like a computer waiting for the system download. Many stellar beings are here assisting us with the recalibrations and when we focus on optimum health, happiness, wellbeing and true souls purpose we spend less time fixating on the what if’s and western medical diagnosis. Our human technology is limitless and we are the creators. We must make the space to listen and know that divine cosmic love is what we are made of in this multiverse of ever evolving consciousness. The veil is thinning and the division between the worlds is shrinking. The fairies are returning, Atlantis is revealing and our star ancestors are louder. Our hearts are portals where we can access our inner temples that transport us to galactic worlds. Deep space is the collective unconscious and we can explore further than we are currently imagining. With the awareness of Sedna, we can plunge into the deep oceans of knowing and set our hearts free of entrapment. We are air, fire, water, earth and center is our compass. Our bones are made of star stuff and our dna is turn from carbon to crystalline as we shed the old contracts from the Akashic records and write our own stories. We are weaving a new tapestry of love and compassion, peace and gratitude for existence is precious and life, a gift. As this solar eclipse becomes closer in the Gemini constellation, see yourself at the Great Loom with the sacred weavers knowing that reality is what you make it and nothing has control over your expansive soul. You are your lineage, you are every person you have been in all of your other lives, you are every face you see, you are me and I am you and we are everybody. We are many. We are 10,000 people standing in one body. We have the ability to move mountains for the gods are in us and are us and they are waking up fiercely with their hearts first.

We are from the future. We are the ancient ones. We are timeless. All the answers lie inside of us. Search no further for you are the solution. Care for yourself like you would a newborn baby and love yourself like you would your sacred twin flame. The poison is leaving the Earth. See it leave and vision it gone. Our hearts together can change anything and our collective intention is impenetrable. The Age of Aquarius is the age of the comic waters flowing from the fountainhead. Eternity everlasting as we remember our souls journey develops more each moment and we are on the wildest ride.

verone bright