The Anti-Self and The Parallel Universe

What if I told you everything was inside out, backwards and upside down? What if the person you saw in the mirror wasn’t you, but a fabricated version created from a scorned perception of yourself? What if this parallel reality was intentionally shaped to control us and that each one of us has the power to reclaim our energy and fully become our own generators? And that balancing our yin and yang has become skewed based on our perception of shadow work, thus feeding the anti-self, pushing our yin-moon-bodies into deficient while the yang-sun grows more and more in excess.

The majority of people on this planet have experienced some type of abuse. Many of us have had sexual abuse. This abuse usually occurs during childhood and shapes the rest of our development. It’s a robbery of our innocence. In order to have the false perception of safety at the time our the abuse, we fractal so that we don’t completely fall apart. These fractaled parts of us remain hidden, veiled and stuffed away until we heal the layer that cover them. Until we make the unconscious conscious, it rules us with out our knowing. It’s deep subliminal programming and it’s infested societies worldwide. We can fractal so massively from loss of innocence during our crucial developmental stages when we are children that an anti-self can be created. I see this anti-self almost like an evil twin or a malicious force constantly chasing you so that you may never relax into your full empowerment. The anti-self is a trickster and can shapeshift into any form. It will only tell you how you will fail and keeps us from universal divine love. The anti-self grows with the self and uses the ego to keep you trapped in a false reality. The anti-self can seem like the deep shadow work, and in a way it is just merely a shadow, but not one that needs fuel. After 20 years of healing work, I have finally met my anti-self and she-they are finding every way to stay.

If you grab people when they are young, you can control them forever. If that control is based in mistrust, shame, lack of self-worth, lack of abundance, the grip is even tighter. If you are stealing people’s innocence through sexual abuse and forcing repression through religious control, the claws sink deeper. If you do all these things and add time manipulation, toxic food production, brainwashing through symbolism, and vile blood magic, the hold becomes generational, passing down the hate, fear and confusion through the bloodlines. The control becomes focused on the soul until someone is able to break the chains that bind. When this type of evil spell work is being done on the collective, when the hook is in the collective unconscious and the anti-selves become stronger, a parallel world forms. This parallel world is a world of the scorned controlled by the men trying to play gods. Let’s call them the 1%, the global elite or the evil magicians. This is magic that has been in the making for thousands of years and been passed down through white brotherhoods that use strategic propaganda, rituals, symbols and hidden knowledge to keep us in the dark while they use the power we produce for themselves. We are the food and our anti-selves keep us trapped into believing we deserve to be eaten.

I was very abused for the first 17 years of my life. I’ve carried a lot of rage towards the people who hurt me. It’s been challenging to feel safe or trust anyone. I’ve used a lot of substances to escape. I’ve picked myself apart. I’ve been to counseling, done meditation, energy work, the self work, looked at my shadow and dove into the underworld. There always seemed to be this piece I wasn’t able to overcome, a part of me that felted fucked forever waiting to sabotage me when I least expected it. So I never fully relaxed into myself. It was my safety mode, my survival gear to keep me alive. Many of us have been initiated into the mysteries through trauma. I long for a day that our great awakening isn’t through pain. The pain-body is loud. It screams. It craves freedom because our pain-body is actual our freedom being in disguise. Chiron is a good example of this; our wounds being our greatest teachers and through understanding opening our eyes to become wise oracles. One of the most challenging aspects of letting go of pain is that we have been identified through it. We form a knowing of ourselves as hurt and to be free from the aching opens us up to an existence we never thought possible. It’s truly entering the void. It can seem easier to stay enraged at our abusers because then we don’t have to take responsibility. If we see our abusers as the true problem, it distracts from the entire container creating the toxic spell. We must call back our vitality and take accountability in the systems that created the first knot of lies to keep us weak. We must remove the root, the seed and see how we have all been pawns in the great game of chess. We must become our own generators again and not allow the evil feeders to feast on us anymore.

The evil overlords of the anti-self world, the parallel universe that wants us staring down at our phones instead of looking up at the stars, don’t create their own fuel. They are weak, tired and losing their grip. Their energy is old and they know this. A parasite will do everything it can to stay; it will hide, trick, run in circles and try to ware you down. It will make you think it’s impossible to get rid of them but, when they seem the strongest they are actually the weakest. The toxic parasites of this world are using every last effort they can imagine to remain. They are clinging on to a 3 dimensional reality, while we transcend to the 5th. They are trying to trap us in the parallel universe of the anti-self so that they can remain in power forever and our souls can not evolve. Even the satellites put into orbit around the earth for high speed internet are contributing to the grid of the anti-world, where energy runs in the wrong direction to obtain a negative result. Where people are consumed by their traumas, backpacks so full of shame they begin to fall backwards or become stuck in the valley of the lost. We must nourish our moon, our yin and our deep waters. The yang energy must be reduced and the solar energy paused. The phallic must break for the yoni to rise to equality so that the third expression can be revealed. The balance point between yin and yang is a place of osculating stillness. Just as in embryogenesis and morphogenesis, cell fusion must take place with yin-yang for a new shape to be made. Our organism is changing as we shift genesis and birth ourselves into a new state of being.

The parallel universe of the anti-self needs to collapse along with all portals and energy cords supplying it with ammunition. All negative energy incite this false world. Every negative thought, venomous statement, self sabotaging action, ill word we speak and hateful energy we carry give more power to this shadow land. Negative energy is still energy and the evil overlords do not care if you are praising them or cursing them as long as they have your full attention. Complete absorption of consciousness leaving little room for creative imagination. Social media realities play on our emotions through data collection and use us like yo-yos to keep us distracted from our true souls work and empowerment. The evil overlords of the anti-self parallel universe would like nothing more than for us humans to become mindless, soulless AI and work endlessly for their gain forever. Capitalism was created for this purpose and the poison of feeling worthless in our need to rest is the trap that can keep us running in the hamster wheel. If we don’t pause, we don’t feel. If we don’t feel, we don’t heal. If we don’t heal, we don’t learn and their sick plan of worldly demise and conquer succeeds. However, the mystery is in our bones and dna and people are waking to the fact that the conquer is no hero, but in fact a murdering psycho out for his own gain and entitlement.

So what can we do? We can stop feeling sorry for ourselves and others and start seeing our immense power and magic. We can call back all of our energy from toxic streams of contact and plug them back into our hearts center to be our own generators again. We can have compassion for everyone on their journey and know that we have all been in this toxic egg for way too fucking long and the only way out is working together. Now this doesn’t mean taking abuse or smiling at injustices, actually just the opposite. Love and compassion never means you are a doormat for someone’s hate and ignorance. Fiercely love with a fiery justice just like the great mother Kali. Say, “No we will not take this any longer and I absolutely refuse to carry this bag of shit with me even one more step of my journey”. Lighten your load so that your soul has room to speak. Make space for yourself and expand into who and what you really are; an infinite star traveling through cosmos holding the secrets of the universe. You are the key. We are the keys and together we can unlock ourselves from and unwanted world and open the door to the garden of eden. Heaven is right here, right now if we allow it and each one of us is god. Stop battling the parts of you that you don’t like and breath in the power of your full self. Take the gems and throw out the trash. Come together in sacred union and be your own twin flame as the true alchemist you are, turning the shit life has given you into gold. We are breaking the chains, healing the bloodlines and freeing ourselves from the upside down. We are becoming our dragon selves, earth angels and remembering that celestial mechanics is connected to our internal body system. Don’t be fooled by your anti-self as it tries to wear any mask to deceive you. Say hello and shine a light on their face to see that it has been you the entire time and your greatest fear is only yourself in your fullest expression. It’s time to be like the flower and bloom at the speed that is in accordance to your personal rhythm and flow, letting your sex organs meet the sun in the illumination of your own divine creation. Each one of us is here to create something and this is how we rebuild a new world free of oppression and greed.

We are nature. We are the stars. We are past, present and future. We are primal. We are life and we are death. We are the creators we are being reborn.

verone bright