Take the Red Pill or the Blue Pill?

Derived from 1999 film The Matrix, the concept of taking the red pill that reveals an unpleasant truth or the blue pill that allows you to remain in blissful ignorance became a popular polarization in regards to waking or staying asleep. In the 1990 film Total Recall, a red pill is offered to Schwarzenegger by Dr. Edgemar as a symbol of desire to “return to reality”. No blue pill is present in this film, however held against a background that is half red and half blue, it alludes at a dream world vs a real world. But what if we needed both red and blue, both sleep and wake and that the true illumination comes from the fusion of both seen in the sigil The Tree of Life, a key to unlock these hidden secrets?

The sphere, or Sefirot of severity, Geburah is across from the Sefirot Hesed, the sphere of compassion and mercy. Geburah is a red sphere, while Hesed blue and between the two lies Tifereth, the golden Sefirot of beauty. We need the fiery hot coals of the red severity, the power of Mars and the raw energy to propel us forward with passion. We also need the unconditional compassion of the blue, the expanse of Jupiter and the mercy that is forgiveness to those that which we once wanted to cause harm. We need to be held accountable for our wrong doings and we also need compassion in order to transcend them. We must be able to grow. We can not live in a cancel culture where one can not learn from their mistakes. In all of the lives we have lived we have each been the sinner and the saint, the mother and the child, the abuser and the victim. Being initiated through pain and trauma is a way of the past and we humans are creating a new reality where violence is no longer the answer.

Opening the heart takes courage. We must feel into all of the pleasures, but also all of the injustices. Sweeping shit under the rug solves absolutely nothing and the time is now for us to deal with our trash. The red chakra is the root chakra and Mother Earth has been beneath our feet this entire time. We can no longer ignore how critical it is that we align to her as our home. None of us are safe if she is not well and we are pushing her past her limits of comfort. Goddesses like Medusa and Kali can hold red energy for righteous rage to obtain justice and a heart that screams truth will have a fiery call. The blue chakra is the throat and how we communicate with our voice. Silence is no more when we confront all that has been hidden from us. We must wake from the illusion, but we don’t do this by sacrifice of the dream.

Morpheus, the son of sleep, the god of dreams brings the archetype of a realm beyond the waking life. When we sleep, our soul is able to travel outward and bring back the information of the beyond. We may be in human bodies, but we are still very much connected to life after death and our dreams are the closest state we have to this. Dreaming is a critical part of our existence and if we can’t not dream it, how will we ever be it? The waking “real world” is just as necessary as the sleeping “ dream world” and when balanced together we can walk one step closer into the mystery.

Ignorance can no longer be bliss for anyone anymore for the Earth on which we stand can only take so much. The veil of illusion represented in the blue pill is a control of the unconscious, contorting the perception of the conscious reality. Now reality is what we make it and we perceive based upon our awareness and we are all at different stages in our development. We must work together enough to shift into a more balanced state of golden harmony so that we all can have access to our true hearts center.

Red and blue make purple. The purple sphere on the Tree of Life, Yesod, is associated with the moon and acts as a filter to mitigate all other planetary and stellar energies entering earth’s atmosphere. The moon, the yin and the feminine divine are just as mandatory as the sun, yang and sacred masculine. Egg and sperm. Fire and water. Creator and destroyer. It’s one energy with two faces and to deny one creates an unbalanced spiral with a trajectory into the shadowlands. We never just go left or right, up or down, forwards or backward. It’s a continuous movement throughout all time-space and we must recognize that we are full spectrum beings self actualizing into our divine dragon empowerment. We are form and function. Bone and blood. Heart and soul. And just like the sigil of the tree of life, it needs the electric divine serpent to run through it. The meridians hold the container and the Qi flows through. Without structure, the energy spills. Without the Prana, the channel remains empty.

Red vs. blue is another distraction. It keeps us from the center place. It creates a disharmony, bias and hierarchy into believing “my side is better” when we are truly on the same planet together. Being compassionate doesn’t mean you excuse wrong doings and being severe doesn’t mean you are full of hate. We need them both to achieve justice and open the hearts to align with divine cosmic love. So do you take the red pill or the blue pill? I think I choose to swallow them both at the same time and let my kundalini rise and fall, let myself dream awake and begin to bridge the gap between my screams and my tears to see what my heart is truly trying to tell me.

verone bright