We will cross the river

There’s a gnawing feeling inside me. It’s like I’m taking my skin off layer by layer and turning myself inside out. I’m cleaning out my blood after drinking poison for thousands of years and then wringing myself out to dry. It’s raw. It’s uncut. There’s no guide book and all I can see in the distance is nothingness. Have we ever been here before? I could only assume being born didn’t feel so great and changing dimensions will bring about some sensations. There is no escape. The escapes are part of the problem and why we are where we are right now. You can’t sweep something under a rug and think it will just vanish. You can’t tuck feelings into the cracks and think they will just disappear. We are a culture that glorifies the numb. We are a society that celebrates the prison. We have been cursing ourselves and now we want to blame the other. We have always had the power to change. Nothing has taken that away from us we just merely forgot. We have been under a deep slumbering sleep and if we snooze for much longer we might miss our opportunity for redemption, for resurrection. We are so very distracted and it has been constructed for us to follow, like a baby with a shiny new toy. Our thoughts are manipulated and our will forces puppeteered. We curse the ones that oppress us, then happily give them our money. We feed the hand that binds and we scream once we are at the bottom of the pit. We must stop our foolish ways of the past and see into the ancient future. We are the key to the solution. No one and nothing is coming to save us. We are the second coming and we need to wake to that empowerment now. Dark clouds still approach us and it is essential that we weather the storm with grace. Preparation is necessary to dispel any unnecessary doom and know what your body needs in order to stay at ease. Be grateful for your home and treat it as though you would a temple. Let your feet connect to the ground like they have all the lives previous and walk with the ancestors. The bridge may be narrow and wobbly at times, but it will get us across the rapid waters to a more golden state of reality.  

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