Remembering Ourselves

For generations upon generations, we have been brainwashed into believing we have to look outside of ourselves for answers. This need for external validation is tightly connected to the Bigs; big control, big religion, big government, big business, big greed, big capitalism and big profit. Once you denounce your inner place of knowing, you no longer trust yourself, thus need to search elsewhere for the answers you seek. When we don’t trust ourselves we are essentially giving over the keys to the driver seat. When we aren’t sitting in our own place of empowerment, something else will come in an inhabit that void. For many, we float along without questioning the very essence of why we do what we do and who or what it is for. This can seem like a challenging place to break free from since most of us are just trying to do the tasks to achieve our basic needs of food, shelter and safety. This keeps us in a continues state of survival, fight or flight and leaves little room to dive into anything else. Our human bodies require necessities to stay alive and when we are struggling to just barely live, we might do anything for some easy convenience.

Big business is cheap labor and high profit. The products are usually poor quality and are produced at a rapid rate. Quantity over quality and the ones at the top rack in the massive wealthy while the fuel of the operation gets thrown pennies, just enough to barely survive. Since we are so over worked and underpaid, the convenience of goods and services coming quick, easy and cheap seemed like something that benefited our lives almost like a shiny new toy. But what we gained in returned was more dominance from the 1%; a total monopoly over supply and demand. Now we are in a pickle. We don’t want the billionaires consuming more, but we don’t want to lose our luxuries. Something must give and I’m fairly certain the change isn’t happening on side of the disgustingly wealthy.

Our human bodies need certain things in order to stay alive. Food, water, shelter, & clothing to say the least. These bare necessities are what cost us the most and why so many of us are having to work multiple jobs to just obtain basic survival. With the 1% buying up the farmland and grocery stores, we begin to turn from us choosing to invest in the greed machine to having little choice and needing it to survive. From big business and mass profit, our fruits and vegetables have less nutrients than they did in the past as they have been genetically engineered to be bigger and better. While all this is happening, we are getting less nutrition and possibly weaker. The more fatigued, confused and scared the masses are, the less questions we ask and the bigger big business grows.

I think it’s easy to say billion or 100 billion, but most of us can not understand what that really means. Most people have never experienced that type of money and processing that numerical value is similar to thinking about aliens. You know it’s out there, you just have never seen it. Let’s break it down: If your net worth is around $180 billion, you make around $321 million a day, $13 million an hour, $222k a minute, and over 3k a second. This is enough money to be rich for hundreds of lifetimes and somehow we are still giving these people and corporations our energy. We vote with our money and what we feed grows, so why not invest in each other?

We think we need things that we don’t because on a deep level our souls yearn for freedom, nature and sovereignty. Even the most awoken of us are still trapped in the delusion of the matrix. Every single one of us is supporting something that causes suffering because they systems in place make us feel like there is no escape and then we give up. It’s a trap and it’s not too late. It’s a step by step process and nothing big shifts over night. It’s not about shame or pointing fingers, it’s about helping each other out of the pit before we are buried in it.

In our current systems, a healthy, conscious lifestyle costs money. Even the healthiest, organic food isn’t that healthy compared to what it could be and to eat mindfully means to make money. The better you want to treat yourself, the more cash you need and for some this is just not possible. It’s a fucking cast system and even in this illusionary modern day, escaping your place in society isn’t an easy one. We are taught to not value ourselves and that if we work hard we will become something. We have been tricked into the hustle & grind for 65 years and then, just maybe then, you can relax. Most of us work so frequently just to have enough, with not much if anything to save, and are shamed if we ever take a break to rest. Capitalism has just trapped in linear time constantly producing for the greed machine so that we can merely survive in our human bodies. Even ones of us who do say yes to rest and relaxation are juggling some other mental maze in order to allow ourselves this space. We have to relearn to trust ourselves and that the bottom won’t blow out if we take a day to just be.

We have been programmed for outside validation. People can spend their entire lives seeking acceptance from their parents, friends, partner, church, god, government, boss and any other figure that is deemed as an authority. We put too many people and entities on pedestals while we grovel at their feet. Going against the mainstream got you killed in other lifetimes for heresy and a lot of us feel this in our souls. Not only does it not feel good to be rejected, our karma remembers it got us dead. With religious control so dominate throughout the world, even if this wasn’t your upbringing, the collective consciousness permeates throughout and the government has never been separate from this ideology. Don’t ask questions, do as you are told, follow the rules, work hard, be good, don’t be bad, and maybe just maybe you will get to retire or go to heaven. We all have been majorly duped and it’s time we see other possibilities.

We have always been limitless beings. We have always had limitless possibilities and the only reason any of this stuff exists is because we created it. We could create anything and live anyway we choose. These rules are all just part of the matrix and bit by bit we can untangle ourselves from it. We can stop shoveling our well earned cash into the pockets of greedy hoarders and begin supporting our friends. We can stop elevating people just because they have money and start listening to ourselves. We can stop thinking god is in the sky and start caring about the life giving planet we stand on. As we move into the Age of Aquarius, more fusion and connections will be made. We will see that nothing is separate and everything is connected somehow. Harsh realizations come with heart forward actions and nothing changes without effort.

The Bigs gave us the brainwashing that solutions are quicks fixes. Did something wrong, pray about it. Want something to eat, get fast food. Feel bad, take a pill. Want a new shirt, shop online. Want an answer to a question, google it. It completely cuts out thinking, intention and morality. It takes us out of problem solving & critical thinking and into instant gratification. We are addicts for the quick fix and the internet is the drug. Now I enjoy my luxuries as much as anyone and I’m not saying we must live in mud huts and get well water, but there must be a balance between business and humanity, nature and technology, spirit and medicine, self knowing and religion & government and the people. We must see the authority within ourselves and remember that it doesn’t come with a price and that everyone of us is valuable because we are human, not for the money in our account. We must remember that we are nature and have always been nature and without the Earth, we can not survive here. It’s like we are living the world’s biggest pyramid scheme with the 1% at the top. The tower must fall, not to hurt us, but to set us free from a crumbling prison. None of us deserve to be trapped in the rubble left behind and we must make a bridge from that to where we want to be.

Hoarding is an extreme disease because it’s comprised of many other issues. It’s a need that never seems satiated and the mouth of greed only empties to a bottomless pit. There’s nothing to trust in these people and corporations. It’s never been about helping us and it’s always been about controlling us. Everything we have been taught has been to keep us in these systems. Everything our parents and our grandparents have been taught was to pass it down to us. We are doing the work for them. It’s time to start connecting the dots and seeing who really is benefiting. Asking why something is happening and who is it rewarding. When so many of us are living in our triggers and emotions, it distracts us from the larger picture. Social media uses our data that they mine to personally orchestrate our pages to elicit very real feelings in us for their big business benefit. We think we are having random synchronicities, but really it was all tailored for us to react just the way we do. We are in a bubble more more then we realize and the only way to pop the bubble is from the inside. We must be prepared that the bubble we are trying to pop is a string of pearls and we mustn’t give up on our first, 10th or 100th try. We have to be dedicated to the cause for these are strategic systems that have been in place for thousands of years and they won’t go down without a fight.

No need to be scared and no need to retract. We are many and have always been many. The 1%, both seen and unseen, are small and have always been small. Nothing strong feeds off of others free will and as we remember our centers, we will be begin to understand what it means to have sovereignty over our will forces. Christ consciousness off the cross and liberation to our zero point.

verone bright